Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Installing RAID short floppy?

I use window XP. Well, I have the drivers on my motherboard CD-Rom...would that get rid of a floppy disk if i change boot sequence? First time installing and reading guides and they engineer is sound if floppy disks are the ONLY instrument... kinda weirding me out cause i already purchased my parts. I don't even own a floppy drive... besides why would they even put their RAID drivers on a compact disc anyway they would just distribute a floppy right?

Installing RAID short floppy?

See if you can get them from the manufacturer website, or open the compact disc and see if you can browse for them. They must be on a floppy because that's the only place Windows Setup know where to look for them. The single other way is to be paid a slipstream Windows Installation CD and include them contained by that.

See this here: (it'll explain what a slipsteam cd is and how to make one)

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