Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Installed 512MB 133Mhz SDRAM into my P2 system beside 256MB 133Mhz SDRAM installed and single 256MB RAM shows up?

Installed 512MB 133Mhz SDRAM into my P2 system near 256MB 133Mhz SDRAM installed and only 256MB RAM shows up on the my computer, properties tab. why?

Installed 512MB 133Mhz SDRAM into my P2 system beside 256MB 133Mhz SDRAM installed and single 256MB RAM shows up?

Well I don`t know your motherboard doesnt support any higher than that. Happens alot.
Does the motherboar support more than 512 strike?

Does the system have an intergrated video card?

Is the memory accurate (eh, I've heard some stories of memory in reality passing the post test yet be still *******)
Did you put the memory chip in correctly? Make sure your 512 mb RAM is not backwards or loose.
512mb go in the nil slot, 256 into the 1 slot..
Lets hope the chip is good but,Older boards are kinda picky nearly memory go to mb network find out if it will support it also you might flash the bios and it may read it.Do you know if the chip is high or low density
Depends on your Board. Make sure you did not acquire ECC ram if your Mobo cannot support it. The speed and the type of Ram are not the solely thing you should consider. Are you sure that board can support 4Gb it is quality of old, and during that time for a consumer PC 4 Gb be a dream. I think the stikc may be to voluminous and if the stick is largerer than the largest supported DIMM or SIMM size than it will not show up.

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